LINEAPELLE - Camera della moda
Together for Next Generation
The 9th edition of the “Next Generation” competition sponsored by the Italian Fashion Council, devoted to under 30 designers and whose purpose is to discover new talents, had LINEAPELLE on board. Some of the top tanneries exhibiting at it supplied the leathers for the outfits created by finalists Claudio Cutugno, Luca Lin, Alessandro Canto and Gianluca Viscomi. Claudio Cutugno combined glossy eel leathers with bouclè of angora wool, Luca Lin undertook the complex task of blending fur with leather and neoprene, Canti and Viscomi developed unique creations and accessories. After the February 24 fashion show at Teatro Vetra, the outfits were displayed in halls 13 and 15 at LINEAPELLE, where maxi-screens transmitted the Fashion Week shows.