Trademark Vero Cuoio
Companies with the trademark Vero Cuoio at Lineapelle
At Lineapelle you will not find among the exhibitors, but among the visitors many companies that have signed the agreement to use the trademark Vero Cuoio. Vero Cuoio, as well as the trademark Vera Pelle, is given only to companies that request it and meet the highest quality requirements set by UNI Standards, which include the absence of toxic and harmful substances.
If you are looking for products Vero Cuoio,
visit Lineapelle to discover all the news of the moment.
The leather fair is held every year in Milano in March and October, when the autumn-winter and spring-summer collections are shown respectively.
Lineapelle is the key event for all companies in the leather sector, the most important exhibition where to find everything, absolutely everything on the leather, from the supplier of the materials to companies producing finished leather items.
Visit Lineapelle to know all aspects about the leather world.