Lineapelle – LEM conference room - Ponte dei Mari (side pad. 22)
Wednesday 19th February 2020, H. 2.30 - 5.00 PM
Sustainability is a key issue for the tanning industry today. Gradually becoming part of the dynamics of the sector, over time this value has extended to the entire supply chain, starting with the sourcing which, now more than ever, cannot ignore the traceability of supplies and compliance with regulations, standards and good practices in terms of animal welfare.
After the great interest encountered during the event held last October, UNIC Italian Tanneries, in collaboration with Lineapelle, proposes a second rendezvous to talk about the sustainability of the supply chain.
The event will open with the presentation of the new Sustainability Report of the Italian tanning industry, which UNIC has published annually since 2003.
This new edition analyses the sector through the filter of the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and tells how tanneries are at the forefront on these issues in their constant commitment to an increasingly responsible supply chain.
Following this, the focus of analysis will once again be traceability, animal welfare and improvement of the quality of the raw material through sustainability initiatives
The speakers and stakeholders involved on stage will vary, presenting studies, initiatives and supply chain projects with the aim of exploring new aspects of the above mentioned subjects.
The event is free and open to the public and will be in English and Italian with simultaneous translation service.
Please confirm your participation by clicking here.
14.30-15.00 Registration & Welcome coffee
15.00-15.05 Welcome address
15.05-15.25 Sustainability of the Italian Tanning Industry
UNIC Sustainability Report – 2019
Fabiana Orlandi (UNIC Italian Tanneries)
15.25-15.40 Traceability in the supply chain
Project “Enhancing Transparency and Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the
Garment and Footwear Sector” – Leather Traceability Standard
Maria Teresa Pisani (UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)
15.40-16.00 Animal Welfare
Animal welfare regulations, standard and practices
Sara Barbieri, Carlo Tremolada (Università degli Studi di Milano – Veterinary Medicine Dept.)
16.00-16.15 Quality and sustainability
Spanish Entrefino Lambskin Quality Project: a partnership case for improving quality
through sustainability (Project SELAMBQ financed by Spanish Government and the EU)
Carlos Riba (Curtidos Riba Guixa)
16.15-17.00 Industry Panel
Sustainability initiatives of the supply chain
Nick Winters (Bigard) - Twan de Bie (Vitelco Leather)
17.00 Conclusions
Moderator: Maurizia Contu (UNIC - Italian Tanneries) and Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano (Cotance Confederation of EU Tanners)