Wednesday, 2nd October 2019, H. 14.30 - 18.30
The tannery represents a virtuous example of sustainable industry and its commitment starts from the supply chain, an increasingly strategic element due to to the growing attention of the market.
UNIC Italian Tanneries, in collaboration with Cotance and Lineapelle, organizes an event to provide an overview of the main issues that characterize the sustainability of the raw material for the tanning sector, offering a scientific and objective perspective on aspects related to the production of raw hides and skins.
The topics on the agenda will start from traceability, with the presentation of some case studies and the main certifications, followed by animal welfare, describing international legislation and standards and specific situations in some key markets.The sector's initiatives in the field of land use change (deforestation) and improvement of the quality of the raw material will also be presented.
Speakers will include universities, research institutes, certification bodies, sectoral representatives, non-governmental associations, players in the supply chain.
The event, organized as part of the "Social & Environmental Reporting 2020" Project, with the support of the European Commission’s Social Dialogue Program, is free and open to the public and will be held in English and Italian with simultaneous translation service.
Cocktail reception at the end of the event.
Please confirm your participation at
14.30-15.00 Registration & Welcome coffee
15.00-15.15 Welcome address UNIC Italian Tanneries, Andreas Kindermann (Cotance Confederation
of EU Tanners)
15.15-16.15 Animal welfare
Animal welfare: international initiatives and focus on the EU legislation
Carlo Tremolada (Università degli Studi Milano, Veterinary Medicine Department)
Animal welfare standards
Tiffany Lee (NAMI North American Meat Institute)
Karsten Maier (UECBV European Livestock and Meat Trading Union)
16.15-17.40 Traceability in the leather supply chain
Traceability: legislation, methodologies and documents
Maurizia Contu (UNIC Italian Tanneries)
Raw hides and skins traceability systems
Michael Søndergaard (Scan-hide)
Marco Ganzerli (Inalca)
Jean Pierre Vercruysse (Casino)
Stephen Sothmann (USHSLA US Hides Skins Leather Association)
Certifications on raw material traceability
Rafael Andrade (CSCB Brazilian Leather Sustainability Certification)
Sabrina Frontini (ICEC Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Sector)
Deborah Taylor (LWG Leather Working Group)
17.40-18.00 Deforestation and Land Use Change
“DCF Leather” project, developed by NWF, ICEC and CSCB
Mauricio Bauer (NWF National Wildilife Fund) with Sabrina Frontini (ICEC) and
Rafael Andrade (CSCB)
18.00-18.30 Quality of raw hides and skins
Quality standards on raw hides and skins
Francesco Matelli (Chamber of Arbitration for the trading of hides, skins and leather)
“SELAMBQ” project on Spanish Entrefinos lambskins quality
Cotance, Interovic (Interprofessional Agrifood Organization of Sheep and Goats)
18.30 Conclusions
Moderator: Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano (Cotance Confederation of EU Tanners)
Cocktail reception after the event on Ponte dei Mari
(besides Lineapelle Innovation Square area)
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