Winter 26/27

International exhibition of leather, accessories, components, fabrics, synthetics and models.

Times Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location FIERAMILANO RHO Strada Statale 33 del Sempione, 28 20017 Rho - Milan Italy
Online Accreditation Online registration helps the operators of the sector belonging to the admitted categories to skip long queues at the entrance of the Exhibition.


Only registered trade operators. Free entrance.

Trend Selection Area

The core of the exhibition are its Trend Areas, displaying the most innovative samples provided by the exhibitors: leathers, accessories and components, fabrics and synthetics (about 2,000 items on display).

Trend areas are located in halls 9, 13 and 22. In the Trend Areas, you are not allowed to take pictures and to use your smartphone.

This selection of articles is delivered after exhibition closing to the LP Fashion Studio of Milan, where it can be consulted.

Every item is labelled and filed in an online database, including all necessary info: company name, destination of use, etc.

LP Fashion Studio

Fashion trends conferences

Fashion conferences will be held on the first two days at the Fashion Theare, with the following schedule:

11:00 a.m. in Italian
2:30 p.m. in English


  • Porta Est (East Gate), where the Red subway line arrives (Rho Fiera Milano stop)
  • Porta Ovest TIM (West Gate), by the multi-storey car parks
  • Porta Sud TIM (South Gate), the most convenient entrance for the convention centre, service centre and Fiera Milano offices

Upcoming Events LINEAPELLE

Winter 26/27

23 - 25 September 2025

Summer 27

11 - 13 February 2026



Lineapelle fair on your smartphone

Includes catalogue of the exhibition, interactive plan, information on timetables, transportation and events.

The Show

You can enter the pavilions by facing the captured QR to the reader.

Allows you to plan your visit to Lineapelle thanks to an easy agenda that collects the list of exhibitors to visit and your notes.

Looking for an Exhibitor?

Find out more about the exhibitors at LINEAPELLE

Do you want to participate at LINEAPELLE?

Admission to the show is allowed only to manufacturers of leather, accessories and components (lasts, heels, soles, small metal parts, etc.), synthetic materials, industrial textiles, models for footwear, leather goods. Collections are aimed to the footwear, leather goods, clothing/gloves, furnishings and automotive markets. Finished products (shoes, bags, etc.) are not admitted.

Are you an exhibitor already?

Enter the reserved area

Reserved Area
Are you a new exhibitor?

Fill in the form

Becoming Exhibitor

Do you want to visit LINEAPELLE?

Only operators holding an entry title will be granted access to the exhibition.

Require your e-ticket by filling the “Online Registration” form. Entrance to all halls is free.

Fact Sheet

A universe of 50,000 companies, 1 million employees and a turnover of approximately 150 billion USD / year revolves around LINEAPELLE.

​At LINEAPELLE exhibit about 1,200 companies from over 40 countries. ​

Data refer to the latest edition (February 2023)

Exhibiting Companies 1161
Exhibiting Companies Countries 42Visiting Countries 112
Economic Operators 24.574